Biology is beautiful!
I like to think of biology as science unique to us. It is encapsulated in this relatively small blue globe, it's based on our experiences on earth; our experiences with our biology. Our biology includes every living organism around us. We all rose from the same pool of life, and we all exist in the same macro-environment. Earth.
Sure, we can apply biology to other organisms which may exist beyond our home, but it will always be an application, we might have to adjust particular knobs in order to fully understand the nature of other organisms. I feel it will never be quite right, as their environment; their place in the universe, is in a completely different location to ours; and different environments provide astounding differences between life on Earth. So life -or biology- on a entirely different globe is to be quite different form biology on Earth.
An artists' rendition of life on Jupiter
Why is biology beautiful? Well 13.8 billion years ago, physics was going to give rise to chemistry. It started with the amalgamation of particles to form the simplest of element, Hydrogen. Then Helium, then more complex elements were formed, like carbon, which is an extremely important element for biology on Earth. The fact that something so corporeal, and fascinating arose from something seemingly inorganic is incredibly charming.
I think that we, as humans, have already began to create new forms of life from inorganic constituents. Our phones and computers are essentially based off of human biology; they contain central processing units, which operate much like our central nervous systems- they both receive and transmit signals to other components of their environment. They both have memory systems, in order to apply particular knowledge to future references. And most importantly, they both operate via a code, ACTG for us, 1 and 0's for them; which underlines all functions.
Science fiction movies which show robots being equipped with human emotions and desires; aren't completely unrealistic. If anything, we are key examples of how something inorganic can give rise to something organic.
This blog aims to present how few of many ways beautiful biology can offer triumphs for us!
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